Sex Tourism White Women Seeking Black Men

Dec 09, 2007 · Older, white women join Kenya’s sex tourism 1 in 5 wealthy female travelers in search of men, locals estimate Sexploration — By Brian Alexander

Men seeking sex tourism is a much-publicised phenomenon. Predominantly white European and North American men heading to poor countries like Thailand, Cambodia and Kenya with the main purpose of having sex with local women have been labelled as predators for years.

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According to the Daily Mail, middle-aged white women are traveling overseas to engage in “sex tourism.”These clandestine getaways are strictly for the purpose of seeking out Black males for sexual favors. In many cases, these types of men are referred to as “bumsters” in Gambia, “Rastitutes” or “beach mans” in the Caribbean and “sanky pankies” in the Dominican Republic

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Within the realm of female sex tourism, male sex workers are vital for the satisfaction of these women, whether physical or emotional. Without the employment of local sex workers, sex tourism for both men and women would not exist.

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Dec 09, 2007 · Older, white women join Kenya’s sex tourism 1 in 5 wealthy female travelers in search of men, locals estimate Sexploration — By Brian Alexander

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Jul 16, 2015 · CHASING THE BIG BAMBOO!!! WHITE WOMEN AS SEX TOURISTS IN AFRICA HERU6200. Sex tourism in Riga, Latvia – a short documentary. Men For Sale: Life as a male sex worker in Britain – BBC News

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Although a small number of African-American women travel to the Caribbean for sex with beach mans, most of the women are white, middle-aged or older and come from Europe and North America. They travel alone or with female friends and often have a history of unhappy relationships with men at home.

Men seeking sex tourism is a much-publicised phenomenon. Predominantly white European and North American men heading to poor countries like Thailand, Cambodia and Kenya with the main purpose of having sex with local women have been labelled as predators for years.

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White women who would never consider being openly involved with a black man back home feel free to do so while travelling and often use this as an example of their ‘anti-racism’.

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Much of the sex tourism for white men are caucasian women in Europe where prostitution is legal or asian women; white men would never think of sleeping with black women. So why do white women get it so long? err I mean wrong.

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