If Your On Your Period Can You Still Be Pregnant

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Your period is a monthly event that occurs in lieu of an egg becoming fertilized. Eggs are released once a month from the ovary. When they aren’t fertilized, the egg travels out of the uterus

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They taught us in college or should I say development that you can have a regular period when your pregnant, just there is no egg released b/c your already pregnant.

Whether you are trying to get pregnant or looking for ways to avoid pregnancy while engaging in sex, a common question is whether or not you can have sex and get pregnant on your period? Similarly, many people ask can you get pregnant right after your period or is it possible to get pregnant right before your period.

Aug 20, 2009 · Best Answer: It is possible to bleed (spot) during pregnancy– and it can be mistaken, by some women, as a period. But you can’t have a period, by definition, if you are pregnancy. A true period is a total shedding of the uterine lining, and it only occurs when you are not pregnant.

The reason you cannot be pregnant but still have a period is that a period, by definition, is the blood loss that occurs at the end of a menstrual cycle as a result of your egg not being

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If you have sex while on your period and then ovulate a few days later, you can easily get pregnant. Some women can ovulate within 5 days of their period and get pregnant from having sex that took place during their menstrual bleeding.

Aug 08, 2018 · In case your bleeding continues for ten days, then you can still get pregnant if you have unprotected intercourse on the 11th day (that is right after your period ends). This can happen if the ovulation takes place on the tenth day because an egg has a life of 24 hours.

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How can the answer be improved?

If you don’t ovulate in a cycle (as would happen when you are on birth control) you can still bleed, but this is technically not a period. This is called anovulatory bleeding and is a result of a chance in hormones.

If you don’t ovulate in a cycle (as would happen when you are on birth control) you can still bleed, but this is technically not a period. This is called anovulatory bleeding and is a result of a chance in hormones.

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