How Pregnant Am I Weeks

How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I? To work out how many weeks pregnant you are, and your due date, you will need to know the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) – when your last period began. Simply enter this information into our calculator and click the ‘Calculate’ button. The pregnancy calculator will also estimate the conception date.

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Calculate How Many Weeks Pregnant I Am. You’re pregnant Your estimated due date is , that’s away. Reset Calculator. Only your physician can accurately determine your due date or the date of your conception based on his/her knowledge of your complete medical condition. Related Products & Info. PRODUCTS

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How many weeks pregnant am I? This might seem like a straightforward question to ask your doctor, but due date calculation is often inaccurate. In fact, only 4% of women actually give birth on their due dates, with a majority giving birth between one and four days after the calculated due date.

How can the answer be improved?

I turned 20 weeks today (whoo hoo!!). I am trying to figure out how you count how many months you are based on weeks. My co-worker said 4 weeks does not equal 1 month in the pregnancy world.

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Congratulations on your pregnancy! Are you wondering ‘How many weeks pregnant am I’? Well, good news! Our pregnancy calculator uses standard method used by doctors, to work out how many weeks pregnant you are based on the first day of your last menstrual period, and allows you to adjust the number of days in your menstrual cycle.

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Knowing how many weeks pregnant you are is essential to your pregnancy health. How far along you are in pregnancy determines nearly everything in your pregnancy because it revolves around your pregnancy weeks including some blood tests, ultrasound examinations, and more importantly when you expect the baby to be born.

So, How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I? Week 1 of your pregnancy starts on the first day of your last period.. Weird huh?! But it provides an exact date doctors and midwives can go by for the sake of specifics. With assisted conception, for example IVF, you might know exactly when the egg was fertilised.

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On August 10, 2016, the pregnancy calculator will inform you that you are five weeks and six days pregnant and that there are thirty-four weeks left in your pregnancy. With that information you can begin to plan for your pregnancy .

There’s no official definition, but the trimesters are generally considered to be about three months each. At BabyCenter, you graduate to the second trimester the day you turn 14 weeks pregnant. The third starts the day you turn 28 weeks pregnant. Does pregnancy really last nine months? Of course pregnancy is nine months long, right? Well, not exactly.

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