Dryness Of The Throat

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Swelling of tonsils due to infection, tumor, abscesses, or chronic tonsillitis can block the saliva from reaching the throat. Salivary gland cancer, which affects the throat, neck, and mouth, gives rise to dryness in the oral and pharyngeal regions. This condition can also be a …

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Dry throat is a pretty common symptom, and it can be associated with a lot of different conditions, in addition to the usual throat infections or common viral illnesses. For example, nasal allergies or chronic sinus congestion might create drainage down the back of the throat, which could give a sensation of dryness or ‘tickling’ in the back of the throat.

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Dry throat is often related to mouth breathing and snoring at night, and is sometimes an early symptom of a cold or flu. Other more serious conditions, such as asthma or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may also be the source of the problem.

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Strep throat. A dry throat may be a symptom of strep throat. This is a throat infection that leads to a very sore, dry throat. It is caused by the bacterium, Streptococcus pyogenes.

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Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Hegab on dry spot in back of throat: May be the start of a throat infection – pharyngitis. Gargle with warm salt water. Drink plenty of water and rest. If not too serious should pass in a few days. Even mild cases of strep throat can self heal without antibiotics.

Dry Throat Information Including Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes, Videos, Forums, and local community support. Find answers to health issues you can trust from Healthgrades.com. Skip navigation HG Logo and Link to Home. Search Specialties, Conditions

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Dryness in the back of the throat can occur due to allergies, illnesses or reduced moisture in the air. Identifying the cause of your dry throat will allow you to find an appropriate treatment to restore moisture and resolve underlying issues causing the problem.

Aug 21, 2017 · Dry Throat in majority of the cases is a benign condition and can be successfully treated by a variety of home remedies, some of which are detailed below: Saltwater Gargles: Saltwater Gargles is one of the most common and best Home Remedies used for treating Dry Throat. Gargling with saltwater soothes the Dry Throat and provides relief of symptoms by calming down inflammation.

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"A simple sore throat can cause lots of problems," Sataloff says. Lemierre’s syndrome, for example, is a rare disorder that begins with a fever and sore throat.

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