Russian Podcast

Free Russian Audio Podcasts. It’s never been easier to learn Russian! Simply listen to free Russian podcasts in your car, at home or on the go. Each podcast is a short audio lesson, usually 3 to 15 minutes long, that will teach you new Russian words, expressions, slang, and culture.

With over 200 podcasts, Russian Podcast offers great lessons for beginning through advanced learners. Beginning learners can learn helpful information like common questions, while advanced learners will benefit from very specific vocabulary and lessons, such as psychotherapy-related podcasts.

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Очень по-русски (Very Much Russian) is a free Russian audio podcast for intermediate and advanced learners. Every episode of the podcast is dedicated to one or a few Russian words and expressions that you are very likely to hear in the conversational Russian speech: among your Russian friends, watching Russian movies, or simply in the street.

Podcasts as a genre have exploded across the world, and Russia is no exception to the trend. The immersive audio recordings can be played anywhere and anytime: on the commute to work, while cooking, or before falling asleep

Welcome to this second podcast of Russian Made Easy. Let’s start by reviewing what we learned in the first podcast. Although we learned eleven new words — which is a lot — eight of

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Russian Made Easy: A good podcast for English speakers just beginning to study the Russian alphabet. Survival Phrases : Eighteen short episodes to listen to on your flight to Russia. RussianPod101 A famous and professional podcast from RussianPod101 that Lauren of Fluent in 3 Months used in her Russian mission .

In this podcast the Russian language is finally SLOW enough, so you don’t have any problems understanding it. And if you do, the vocabulary section is just for you! You will also get some tips on Russian culture, traditions, and daily life.

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Study Russian online and fast with free Russian audio files. Listen to free Russian mp3 files with pdf explanations. Russian for beginners and intermediate.

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In this podcast the Russian language is finally SLOW enough, so you don’t have any problems understanding it. And if you do, the vocabulary section is just for you! You will also get some tips on Russian culture, traditions, and daily life.

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With RussianPod101, you get to learn Russian the fast, fun and easy way. Get Started for Free. Here are 3 reasons why works. 1. You Learn Real Russian with Easy Audio/Video Lessons by Real Teachers. In fact, you speak Russian minutes into your first lesson. You get a lesson that’s perfect for your level the moment you join.

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